As demonstrated in TRANSCEND FL: a Phase 2, multicenter, single-arm trial1

Breyanzi® provided outstanding responses and durable outcomes in a broad range of patients1

TRANSCEND FL evaluated Breyanzi in adult patients with R/R FL after 2 or more lines of systemic therapy.1

Primary endpoint: ORR1
Select secondary endpoints: CR, DOR, PFS, safety2
Patients were allowed to receive bridging therapy

96% of patients achieved a response, with 73% achieving a complete response1

Response rates in the TRANSCEND FL trial (N=94)

Breyanzi 2L+ response rates at 18 months per IRC,FDA criteria in the TRANSCEND FL trial, graph Breyanzi 2L+ response rates at 18 months per IRC,FDA criteria in the TRANSCEND FL trial, graph

Median follow-up: 17 months3

*ORR was evaluated per the Lugano criteria and is defined as the percentage of patients achieving a best overall response of either a PR or CR, as assessed by an IRC. CR required a negative bone marrow biopsy after treatment in patients who did not have a negative bone marrow biopsy between their most recent disease progression and prior to initiation of lymphodepleting chemotherapy.1

Deep and durable outcomes1

Duration of response in the TRANSCEND FL trial (90/94)1,3

Breyanzi 2L+ duration of response in the TRANSCEND FL clinical trial, graph Breyanzi 2L+ duration of response in the TRANSCEND FL clinical trial, graph

Number of subjects at risk (censored patients)

3L+ FL
0 90 (0)
3 84 (0)
6 77 (0)
9 76 (0)
12 61 (12)
15 48 (12)
18 8 (39)
21 7 (0)
24 0 (7)

Most patients continued to respond for the duration of the follow-up period after a
one-time infusion1†

*Based on KM estimates.3

Treatment process can take approximately 2 to 3 months and includes leukapheresis, manufacturing, administration, and adverse event monitoring.1

3L, third-line; CI, confidence interval; CR, complete response; DOR, duration of response; FL, follicular lymphoma; IRC, Independent Review Committee; NR, not reached; ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; PR, partial response; R/R, relapsed or refractory.

74% of patients survived with no sign of disease progression at 18 months3

PFS in the TRANSCEND FL trial (90/94)3

Breyani progression free survival (PFS) in the TRANSCEND FL clinical trial, graph Breyani progression free survival (PFS) in the TRANSCEND FL clinical trial, graph

Number of subjects at risk (censored patients)

Months 3L+ FL
0 94 (0)
3 89 (0)
6 82 (0)
9 77 (0)
12 71 (3)
15 49 (20)
18 18 (30)
21 7 (10)
24 2 (5)
27 0 (2)

PFS was a secondary endpoint in the TRANSCEND FL study and was not statistically tested in the setting of a single-arm trial. PFS data are not in the Prescribing Information and should be interpreted with caution.

*Based on KM estimates.3

3L, third-line; CI, confidence interval; CR, complete response; DOR, duration of response; FL, follicular lymphoma; mPFS, median progression-free survival; NR, not reached; ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; R/R, relapsed or refractory.


Giving patients with R/R FL a chance to benefit with Breyanzi1

Breyani trial design, graph Breyani trial design, graph
  • Primary endpoint: ORR1‡
  • Select secondary endpoints: CR, PFS, DOR, safety2

Of 114 patients who underwent leukapheresis, 107 received Breyanzi and the median dose administered was 100.02 x 106 CAR-positive viable T cells (range: 93.4 to 109.2 x 106 CAR-positive viable T cells).

The primary efficacy analysis included 94 patients who had PET-positive disease at study baseline or confirmation of PET-positive disease after bridging therapy, received conforming product in intended dose range, and had at least 9 months of follow-up from the date of first response.1

*65% of patients are double refractory to any line of therapy of an anti-CD20 antibody and alkylator.3

Measurable disease reconfirmed prior to lymphodepletion.3

Best overall response of complete response or partial response, per Independent Review Committee using Lugano 2014 criteria.1

Studied in patients you are likely to see in your practice1,3

Median age, range 63 (23-80)
Male 62%
Prior therapies3
HSCT 29%
Rituximab and lenalidomide 20%
FLIPI at screening3
High risk (3-5) 61%
Intermediate risk (2) 29%
Low risk (0-1) 11%
Patients with Stage III-IV disease 89%
Previous treatment response/high-risk features3
Refractory to last systemic therapy 34%
Double refractory (anti-CD20 and alkylator) 65%
POD24 50%
GELF ≥1 51%
  • The median number of prior systemic therapies was 3 (range: 2 to 10), with 46% receiving 2 prior lines, 22% receiving 3 prior lines, and 32% receiving ≥4 prior lines1
  • In the trial, 40% of patients received bridging therapy1

Median time from completion of most recent treatment to relapse was 2 months3*

*Median time to progression or stable disease if missing progression data is based on N=94.3

Median time from FL diagnosis to Breyanzi infusion was 5.1 years.3

ALT, alanine transaminase; CAR, chimeric antigen receptor; CrCl, creatinine clearance; CR, complete response; CY, cyclophosphamide; DOR, duration of response; ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; FL, follicular lymphoma; FLU, fludarabine; GELF, Groupe d’Etude des Lymphomes Folliculaires criteria; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; ORR, overall response rate; PET, positron emission tomography; PFS, progression-free survival; POD24, disease progression within 24 months of diagnosis; R/R, relapsed or refractory.

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  1. Breyanzi [package insert]. Summit, NJ: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; 2024.
  2. Data on file. REF-00871-2009. Princeton, NJ: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; 2024.
  3. Data on file. BMS-REF-LIS-0050. Princeton, NJ: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; 2024.